September is the month where you as a congregation can nominate individuals to serve as either Deacons or Elders for the Pinedale Leadership. Deacons are elected for a 2 year term and Elders are elected for a 3 year term. We ask that you prayerfully consider these positions and place in nomination those individuals that you feel might be able to fill these positions.
- Nominee must be a member.
- Nomination form must be completely filled out to be considered valid.
- Nomination form must be submitted by midnight on September 30th.
The nomination form will require the nominator to:
- Submit his/her name and check a box indicating that the nominator is a member of Pinedale.
- Briefly explain why you feel the nominee is qualified (scripturally and spiritually).
IMPORTANT: Read the following scriptures and prayerfully consider whether or not the candidate meets the qualifications before you make a nomination.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Titus 1:6-9 | 1 Peter 5:1-3
1 Timothy 3:8-15
Nomination Forms are located in the foyer and the church office