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Why Leave It Better?

In short, we love Winston-Salem and our Pinedale community and simply desire to be good neighbors. These "serve" events (or non-events, as we'd like to think of it) are the product of lots of people wanting to simply give back. We are a group of Christ-followers who believe it is our calling to actively engage in our community.

The good news of Jesus does not just speak to the future for hope… The Gospel is that life "NOW" can be different. It is bringing a little up-there, down-here TODAY!

Registration for the 2025 "Big Day Projects" will go live in the Fall of 2025 from the Home Page. If you have questions or suggestions for a project, please contact [email protected].

Leave It Better Projects

Below are several of our leave it better projects from the past.

Encouragement Cards
Kingswood School
Meal Packing
Midway Elementary School
North Davidson Middle School
Northwest Elementary School
Prayer Room
Salem Terrace